You’re feeling overwhelmed balancing it all. you’re great at your job, a wonderful parent, a loving partner - but there’s no time left for you. 

Perhaps you want to just run away to a spa hotel and hide under the crisp white sheets (which someone else washed and put on the bed). 

Life can be calmer than this.

Other people seem to have it all nailed. Life looks like its easier for them, they’re more confident, have all the answers and seem to know what they want.

Wouldn’t it be great to know what you want, to focus on what’s important to you, and to be able to calmly and confidently navigate those boundaries?

Let’s talk - uncover what that looks like for you.

Sam helped me work on my ‘imposter syndrome’. Her sessions made me realise that I may be too much of a perfectionist and so she provided me with the necessary tools to combat this and focus on bringing my other attributes to the fore.
— Sophia, lawyer

You have a lot to juggle as a parent - maternity leave, finding the right childcare, breastfeeding, pumping - to navigate this you need the right support.

When you return to work after becoming a parent, negotiating boundaries becomes so much more important.

A coach can help you work out what’s important to you, what you can flex on and what will bring you the most value.

When I was pregnant my job was made redundant and I found myself interviewing a few weeks after giving birth and while feeding my 7 week old baby.

Sadly my case isn’t all that unusual - 54,000 women a year lose their jobs when having a baby.

I wish I’d worked with a coach back then to navigate the decisions around the fog of birth and breastfeeding.

Do you sometimes simply need a cheerleader in your corner?

We’ve all been there haven’t we - one of those days where we need a pep talk. perhaps work is feeling overwhelming but you don’t want to show that you don’t have it all under control. I get it!

I hear clients say “of course I wouldn’t say that to my boss” all the time. I am here to listen, really listen. You’ll have my full attention in a completely judgement free space.

And when you need it - I’ll be your cheerleader.*

*and I’m a national championship winning one too!

Ready to put yourself first?


When clients spend time with me they tell me it feels good to say it all out loud, to get the thoughts out there and perhaps hear them for the first time.

Let’s explore what that could look like for you.

Not quite ready for a call?

Float along with me on Instagram

I’m Looking forward to getting to know you.